Some say that design fills our world with goods to be bought and sold, and that design is run by commercial needs rather than artistic ones. While it is easy to point the finger at design for the commercial aspects of our lives, it is also important to take note of the good that design does. Our world is made up of design. Everything we see and touch was designed by someone, carefully plotted out an produced. Design predicts our lives, and not just in a commercial way.
Design is about making things beautiful and simple. It makes our lives easier, which in turn often makes us happy. Without design our world would be chaotic jumble of systems, a world without beauty or artistic thought. There is no denying that design plays a role in the act of consumerism. For some, design is about commercial needs and making money, but for many designers it is about user needs, and actively trying to make the world a more efficient and useful place.
As designers it is our job to think creatively and differently than everyone else. Nathan Shedroff, and experience designer and sustainability expert, believes that because designers are taught to think creatively they are the forerunners of the future. Design is not about commercialism, it is about people. Charles Eames said it best; design is about addressing a need. There is no denying that design fills our lives with goods to be bought and sold, but the important thing to remember is that design fills our lives with solutions.
Original question posed by Prof. Housefield
Nathan Shedroff information from UC Davis Sustainability Lecture
Charles Eames information from movie Design Q&A
Stop Sign, http://www.exchange3d.com/cubecart/signs-logos-awards/stop-sign-3d-model/prod_2071.html
Solar Power Toothbrush, http://www.slipperybrick.com/search/soladey+z
Anglepoise Lamp, http://www.royalmail.com/portal/campaign/content1?catId=88400746&mediaId=88400750
Retro Mini, http://www.retrotogo.com/2007/09/vintage-mini---.html