Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are Icons the Key Ingredient?

Icons are often used to help children learn. At a young age it is easier to identify with pictures than words, and it is not uncommon for children to use pictures to learn their alphabet. Christopher Monro DeLorenzo, an art director and designer, used the concept of an animal and object alphabet banner to come up with a set of stickers that use icons to help children learn to use a keyboard.

Children are becoming dependent on computers at an earlier and earlier age and DeLorenzo thought it was about time a old method was adapted for our new world. Each sticker is made up of an icon and the word that corresponds with it. The sticker is then placed on the corresponding keyboard key.

DeLorenzo believes that by using icons in the place of letters it will help children adapt to the keyboards key placement faster. While this concept may seem simple, the idea behind it is quite important. DeLorenzo has managed to take an old teaching method and adapt it for the future. The keyboard stickers are a sustainable and easy way to help children progress faster in an increasingly technology dependent world. Rather than creating an entirely different children’s keyboard, which would be not be sustainable, and would most likely be expensive, DeLorenzo designed a simple, cheap, and sustainable teaching method that can be easily applied and disposed of.

Images: Picture Keyboard Sticker Set, Images courtesy of http://www.notcot.org/

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